Sempre gostei muito de pudim de pão. Cresci comendo pudim de pão. Um belo dia, resolvi que queria independência sobre o meu pudim de pão e pedi a receita pra minha mãe. Como ela estava ocupada com outros afazeres da casa naquela manhã, eu, no auge da impaciência de adolescente, fui pra cozinha e criei isto:
6 pãezinhos (francês de 50g) picados
5 copos de leite
10 colheres (sopa) de açúcar
3 ovos inteiros
2 colheres (sopa) de margarina
canela em pó a gosto
Misturei todos os ingredientes e assei em fôrma caramelada por, mais ou menos, 45 minutos. Não coloquei em banho-maria. Ficou ótimo. Todos gostaram.
Desde então, essa receita conquistou muitos fãs, alguns até internacionais! Tem gente que gosta tanto que me pede a receita e até me convida pra fazer o dito cujo em sua própria casa.
Também gosto de mencionar que é uma excelente maneira de aproveitar pães velhos. Esse pudim aceita qualquer tipo de pão: francês, de fôrma, italiano, bisnaga, qualquer um.
Ao longo dos anos, fui adicionando ingredientes "coadjuvantes" no preparo e na maneira de servir como uma forma de quebrar a monotonia. A receita acima já foi recheada com goiabada e queijo, bananas fatiadas e já foi servida com sorvete de creme. Pode ser servido quente, com o chá da tarde, ou frio, como sobremesa.
Também fica muito boa a versão de liquidificador e com leite condensado: substitui-se o açúcar por uma lata de leite condensado e bate tudo no liquidificador. A massa fica mais lisa e, se for assada em banho-maria, fica com furinhos e sabor iguais ao tradicional pudim de leite.
Nos últimos tempos, comecei a procurar uma alternativa pros gordinhos e diabéticos poderem apreciar o pudim sem problema. Até mesmo pra eu não me sentir culpada por "envenenar" alguém. Então, modifiquei a receita pra essa aqui:
6 pãezinhos (francês de 50g) picados
5 copos de leite desnatado
2 colheres (sopa) de açúcar light ou 10 colheres (sopa) de Tal e Qual
3 ovos inteiros
essência de baunilha a gosto
canela em pó a gosto
O processo de preparo é o mesmo e a calda de caramelo pode ser adicionada ou não. O pudim, com calda ou sem calda, é assado e desenformado da mesma maneira. Eu prefiro desenformar ainda quente, quando a calda ainda está bem líquida. Uma outra dica é a de untar a fôrma do pudim sem calda de caramelo, que fica mais fácil pra desenformar.
Fiquei alegremente surpresa quando percebi sucesso igual da versão mais light. Todo mundo gosta muito, pede a receita e não reclama do sabor de adoçante. Muitos nem sequer percebem que o pudim leva adoçante.
Notem que o pudim light ainda é feito de PÃO que, por sua vez, é feito de farinha de trigo, de consumo restrito a muitos diabéticos. Então, há que se ter critério pra consumir o delicioso pudim, caso você seja diabético, ok!
No mais, espero que todos aproveitem as receitas e comam bastante pudim de pão. E me contem das suas próprias adaptações e criações em volta de uma das minhas sobremesas favoritas! :-D
Bread pudding
I've always loved bread pudding. I grew up eating bread pudding. One day I decided I wanted to be independent and make my own bread pudding and asked my mom for the recipe. As she was busy with other chores of the house that morning, at the height of the impatience of a teenager, I went to the kitchen and created this:
6 rolls, chopped
5 cups of milk
10 tbsp of sugar
3 whole eggs
2 tbsp of margarine
cinnamon to taste
I mixed all ingredients and baked in a caramelized pan for about 45 minutes. I didn´t put in a water bath. It turned great. Everyone liked it.
Since then, this recipe has made many fans, some international ones too! Some people like it so much that ask me for the recipe and even for me to go and prepare it in their own home.
I also like to mention that it is an excellent way to use stale bread. This pudding accepts any type of bread: white, Italian, French, naan, wholemeal, any bread.
Over the years, I tried adding “supporting” ingredients to the recipe and into the serving as a way to break the monotony. The recipe above has been filled with guava jam and white cheese (very popular combination in Brazil), sliced bananas and was served with vanilla ice cream. It can be served warm, along with your afternoon tea, or cold as a dessert.
There's also another good version of it: replace the sugar by a can of condensed milk and mix everything in the blender. The dough gets very smooth and, if baked in a water bath, develops holes and flavor just like the traditional milk pudding.
Recently, I started to think of an alternative for the chubbies ones and for the diabetics, so they can enjoy the pudding without problem. Also, I won´t feel guilty for "poisoning" anyone. So, I modified the recipe to this one:
6 rolls, chopped
5 cups of skim milk
2 tbsp of sugar or 10 tbsp of cooking sweetener
3 whole eggs
vanilla extract to taste
cinnamon to taste
The preparation is the same and the caramel syrup can be added or not. The pudding with the syrup or without it, is baked and unmolded the same way. I prefer to unmold when it is still hot and the syrup is still liquid. Another tip is to grease the pan of the pudding without the caramel syrup, which makes it easier to unmold it.
I was happily surprised when I realized the same success with the light version. Everyone likes it a lot and I heard no complaints about the sweetener after taste. Many don´t even realize that the pudding contains sweetener.
Note that the light version of the pudding is still made of BREAD, which is made of wheat flour, restricted to many diabetics. So, there should be discretion to eat this delicious pudding if you are diabetic, ok!
Apart from that, I hope you all enjoy the recipes and eat lots of bread pudding. And tell me of your own creations and adaptations around one of my favorite desserts! :-D
6 rolls, chopped
5 cups of milk
10 tbsp of sugar
3 whole eggs
2 tbsp of margarine
cinnamon to taste
I mixed all ingredients and baked in a caramelized pan for about 45 minutes. I didn´t put in a water bath. It turned great. Everyone liked it.
Since then, this recipe has made many fans, some international ones too! Some people like it so much that ask me for the recipe and even for me to go and prepare it in their own home.
I also like to mention that it is an excellent way to use stale bread. This pudding accepts any type of bread: white, Italian, French, naan, wholemeal, any bread.
Over the years, I tried adding “supporting” ingredients to the recipe and into the serving as a way to break the monotony. The recipe above has been filled with guava jam and white cheese (very popular combination in Brazil), sliced bananas and was served with vanilla ice cream. It can be served warm, along with your afternoon tea, or cold as a dessert.
There's also another good version of it: replace the sugar by a can of condensed milk and mix everything in the blender. The dough gets very smooth and, if baked in a water bath, develops holes and flavor just like the traditional milk pudding.
Recently, I started to think of an alternative for the chubbies ones and for the diabetics, so they can enjoy the pudding without problem. Also, I won´t feel guilty for "poisoning" anyone. So, I modified the recipe to this one:
6 rolls, chopped
5 cups of skim milk
2 tbsp of sugar or 10 tbsp of cooking sweetener
3 whole eggs
vanilla extract to taste
cinnamon to taste
The preparation is the same and the caramel syrup can be added or not. The pudding with the syrup or without it, is baked and unmolded the same way. I prefer to unmold when it is still hot and the syrup is still liquid. Another tip is to grease the pan of the pudding without the caramel syrup, which makes it easier to unmold it.
I was happily surprised when I realized the same success with the light version. Everyone likes it a lot and I heard no complaints about the sweetener after taste. Many don´t even realize that the pudding contains sweetener.
Note that the light version of the pudding is still made of BREAD, which is made of wheat flour, restricted to many diabetics. So, there should be discretion to eat this delicious pudding if you are diabetic, ok!
Apart from that, I hope you all enjoy the recipes and eat lots of bread pudding. And tell me of your own creations and adaptations around one of my favorite desserts! :-D