Tenho uma amiga que tem um pouco de dificuldade pra conseguir dormir. Nada muito sério. Acredito que a raíz do problema dela seja sua mente muito ativa, o que, a meu ver, é uma coisa legal. Ela é muito inteligente, criativa e generosa. E essas são qualidades que fazem uma mente muito ativa trabalhar o tempo todo. Por conta disso, em vez de dormir, quando vai pra cama, ela fica lembrando dos livros que ela quer comprar, da piada que o filho contou hoje de manhã, de comidas que ela está com vontade de comer e... posta suas divagações notívagas no Facebook!
E ela tem esse poder de me 'tentar' com seus posts. Eu simplesmente tenho que dar um like ou comentar ou mandar uma mensagem. Reagir de alguma forma ao que se passa com ela.
Ontem, ela estava com vontade de comer risoto. Eu sugeri que iria enviar a ela um livro com receitas de risotos. Ela então me pediu: "Manda o risoto. De camarão!"
Pois bem, querida amiga, aqui vai a minha receita de risoto de camarão (duas porções):
1 copo de arroz (carnaroli ou arbório)
1/2 copo de vinho branco (quele que você pretende beber ao comer o risoto!)
azeite de oliva
Aquecer o azeite, adicionar o arroz e o sal. Fritar por dois minutos e adicionar o vinho. Mexer por dois minutos e adicionar água fervente até cobrir o arroz. Tampar a panela e cozinhar até que o arroz esteja QUASE no ponto. Adicionar mais água quente durante o cozimento, se preciso. Tirar do fogo e deixar descansar, tampado.
1 copo de camarões médios (ou pequenos)
Suco de dois limões
sal e pimenta do reino
Misturar tudo e deixar marinar até o momento de adicionar (mais ou menos 10 minutos - pode ser mais).
1 copo de pimentão verde picadinho
1 copo de tomate picadinho (com pele e sementes)
1/2 copo de cheiro verde
1 colher de massa de tomate
2 dentes de alho amassado
azeite de oliva
Aquecer o azeite e fritar levemente o alho. Adicionar o pimentão, o tomate, o sal e a massa de tomate. Fritar por uns cinco minutos e adicionar o camarão (drenado). Fritar por mais uns 4 minutos.
Misturar os camarões ao arroz e pronto! :-)
PS: infelizmente, não dá pra mandar o risoto da Austrália pro Brasil via correio!
I have a friend who has a little trouble getting to sleep. Nothing serious. I believe that the root of her problem is her very active mind, which, in my view, is a nice thing. She is very intelligent, creative and generous. And those are qualities that make a very active mind work all the time. Because
of this, instead of sleeping, when she goes to bed, she remembers
of books she is thinking of buying, of the joke her son told in the morning, of
foods she's been craving for and ... posts her nocturnal ramblings on Facebook!
And she has the power of 'teasing me' with her posts. I just HAVE to give it a like or a comment or send a message. React somehow to what is going on with her.
Last night, she was feeling like eating risotto. I suggested I would send her a cookbook with recipes for risottos. She then asked me: "Send me A risotto. Prawns risotto!"
Well, dear friend, here's my recipe for prawns risotto (two servings):
1 cup of rice (Arborio or Carnaroli)
1/2 cup white wine (that one that you intend to drink with the risotto!)
olive oil
Heat the oil, add the rice and salt. Fry it for two minutes and add the wine. Stir it for two minutes and add boiling water to cover the rice. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until the rice is almost done. Add more hot water during cooking, if necessary. Remove it from heat and let it stand, covered.
1 cup medium (or small) prawns
juice of two limes
And she has the power of 'teasing me' with her posts. I just HAVE to give it a like or a comment or send a message. React somehow to what is going on with her.
Last night, she was feeling like eating risotto. I suggested I would send her a cookbook with recipes for risottos. She then asked me: "Send me A risotto. Prawns risotto!"
Well, dear friend, here's my recipe for prawns risotto (two servings):
1 cup of rice (Arborio or Carnaroli)
1/2 cup white wine (that one that you intend to drink with the risotto!)
olive oil
Heat the oil, add the rice and salt. Fry it for two minutes and add the wine. Stir it for two minutes and add boiling water to cover the rice. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until the rice is almost done. Add more hot water during cooking, if necessary. Remove it from heat and let it stand, covered.
1 cup medium (or small) prawns
juice of two limes
salt and pepper
Mix everything and let marinate until it's time to add it (around 10 minutes - can be longer).
1 cup chopped green capsicums
Mix everything and let marinate until it's time to add it (around 10 minutes - can be longer).
1 cup chopped green capsicums
1 cup chopped tomatoes (with skin and seeds)
1/2 cup of parsley and spring onions (half-half)
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
2 cloves of crushed garlic
olive oil
Heat the oil and lightly fry the garlic. Add the capsicums, the tomatoes, the salt and the tomato paste. Fry it for about five minutes and add the prawns (drained). Fry it for another 4 minutes.
Mix the prawns with the rice and voila! :-)
PS: unfortunately, I can't send a bowl of ready to eat risotto from Australia to Brazil by Post!
1/2 cup of parsley and spring onions (half-half)
1 tablespoon of tomato paste
2 cloves of crushed garlic
olive oil
Heat the oil and lightly fry the garlic. Add the capsicums, the tomatoes, the salt and the tomato paste. Fry it for about five minutes and add the prawns (drained). Fry it for another 4 minutes.
Mix the prawns with the rice and voila! :-)
PS: unfortunately, I can't send a bowl of ready to eat risotto from Australia to Brazil by Post!
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