Essa semana, li duas reportagens muito interessantes e que, de certa forma, estão relacionadas.
Uma delas mencionava o estudo realizado por duas universidades da Nova Zelândia com crianças do ensino fundamental. O objetivo do estudo era incentivar atividades físicas durante o intervalo, quando as crianças vão brincar no playground. Parte do método aplicado ao estudo era 'banir' as regras de segurança normalmente instruídas às crianças como não subir em ávores e não andar de skate. Dessa forma, as crianças teriam mais liberdade pra escolher as brincadeiras. O resultado espantou a todos, cientistas, professores e pais: o índice de brigas e bullying diminuiu drasticamente e instantaneamente, o número de acidentes também. Apesar de as crianças serem monitoradas o tempo todo, os professores relataram que tiveram que interferir em menos ocasiões que o normal. O desempenho das crianças em sala de aula melhorou, assim como sua capacidade de concentração. O diretor de uma das escolas participantes do estudo observou que as crianças brigam, quebram coisas e agem de forma inapropriada quando têm muito tempo livre ou estão entediadas. Dando mais liberdade às crianças na hora de brincar as ajuda a desenvolver a parte frontal do cérebro quando elas têm que decidir sobre riscos a serem tomados e suas conseqüências. Habilidades que vão precisar muito na vida adulta.
A outra reportagem conta a história de um webdesigner da Filadélfia, nos Estados Unidos, que decidiu parar de cobrar pelo trabalho que faz. Em vez de colocar um preço a cada projeto que desenvolve, ele sugere ao cliente que lhe dê um presente, quando a webpage estiver pronta. Dessa forma, ele percebeu que, no fim das contas, acaba recebendo mais do que trabalhando no sistema tradicional, já que a maioria dos clientes o 'presenteia' com dinheiro. O modelo padrão de negociação, encoraja a batalha de preços baixos. Já o modelo que ele usa, promove uma parceria entre o prestador de serviço e o cliente. Quanto mais satisfeito o cliente estiver, mais valor vai dar ao trabalho realizado e, conseqüentemente, vai 'pagar' mais do que o padrão esperado.
A meu ver, as duas reportagens revelam que uma SOCIEDADE precisa de REGRAS pra operar harmonicamente na maior parte do tempo, mas a LIBERDADE, promove o surgimento de uma COMUNIDADE, que se baseia na confiança mútua e na parceria. O senso de comunidade tem a ver com ajuda mútua, diálogo, respeito, justiça, partilha, cuidado. Atitudes que todo mundo aprecia, mas que fica difícil de aplicar quando se deve seguir muitas regras. Regras que, na verdade, foram criadas na intenção de promover justiça, respeito etc.
Só um último exemplo pra ilustrar como regras podem causar injustiça: acabei de terminar um curso online, no qual a duração é determinada pelo próprio estudante, assim que vai passando nos exames e provas aplicadas via internet e durante um estágio profissional. Os pagamentos à faculdade são feitos semestralmente. Eu completei o curso em SETE meses e tive que pagar por dois semestres já que não há exceção que a universidade possa abrir às regras acordadas no contrato inicial!
Meu sonho é acordar num mundo onde o senso de comunidade seja a ordem do dia e as pessoas tenham boa vontade de questionar regras em nome do bem comum! :-)
This week I read two very interesting articles and that are related, in a way.
One of them mentioned the study by two New Zealand universities with primary school children. The study's objective was to encourage active play at the playground. Part of the method applied to the study was to 'ban' safety rules usually instructed to the children such as not to climb trees nor skateboarding. Thus, the children would have more freedom to choose their games. The results surprised everyone, scientists, teachers and parents: the cases of fights and bullying decreased dramatically and instantly, the number of accidents and injuries too. Although the children were monitored at all times, teachers reported that they had to intervene in less occasions than normal. Children's performance improved in the classroom, as well as their concentration levels. The director of one of the schools participating in the study noted that children fight, wreck things and act inappropriately when they have too much free time or are bored. Giving more freedom to children in play helps them to develop the frontal lobe of the brain when they have to decide on the risks being taken and their consequences. Skills they will need in adult life too.
The other article, tells the story of a web designer from Philadelphia, in the United States, who decided to stop charging for his work. Instead of putting a price on each project he develops, he suggests to the client to give him a present, when the webpage is ready. He realized that, actually, he ends up getting more than working in the traditional system, since most of the customers 'presents' were currency. The normal trading model encourages the low prices battle. His model, promotes a partnership between the provider and the customer. The more satisfied the customer is, the more it will value the work and, consequently, will 'pay' more than usually expected.
In my view, the two articles show that a SOCIETY needs RULES to operate harmoniously most of the time, but FREEDOM, promotes a sense of COMMUNITY that is based on mutual trust and partnership. Sense of community is about mutual help, dialogue, respect, fairness, sharing, care. Attitudes that everyone appreciates, but that is difficult to apply when one has to follow too many rules. Rules that were actually created in first place with the intention of promoting justice, respect etc.
One last example to illustrate how rules can cause injustice: I just finished an online course, in which the duration is determined by the student, as one passes in the exams and tests applied via internet and during a work placement. Payments to college are made by the semester. I completed the course in SEVEN months and had to pay for two semesters since there is no exception that the university can make to the rules agreed in the original contract!
My dream is to wake up in a world where the sense of community is the order of the day and people have the will to question rules on behalf of the common good! :-)
One of them mentioned the study by two New Zealand universities with primary school children. The study's objective was to encourage active play at the playground. Part of the method applied to the study was to 'ban' safety rules usually instructed to the children such as not to climb trees nor skateboarding. Thus, the children would have more freedom to choose their games. The results surprised everyone, scientists, teachers and parents: the cases of fights and bullying decreased dramatically and instantly, the number of accidents and injuries too. Although the children were monitored at all times, teachers reported that they had to intervene in less occasions than normal. Children's performance improved in the classroom, as well as their concentration levels. The director of one of the schools participating in the study noted that children fight, wreck things and act inappropriately when they have too much free time or are bored. Giving more freedom to children in play helps them to develop the frontal lobe of the brain when they have to decide on the risks being taken and their consequences. Skills they will need in adult life too.
The other article, tells the story of a web designer from Philadelphia, in the United States, who decided to stop charging for his work. Instead of putting a price on each project he develops, he suggests to the client to give him a present, when the webpage is ready. He realized that, actually, he ends up getting more than working in the traditional system, since most of the customers 'presents' were currency. The normal trading model encourages the low prices battle. His model, promotes a partnership between the provider and the customer. The more satisfied the customer is, the more it will value the work and, consequently, will 'pay' more than usually expected.
In my view, the two articles show that a SOCIETY needs RULES to operate harmoniously most of the time, but FREEDOM, promotes a sense of COMMUNITY that is based on mutual trust and partnership. Sense of community is about mutual help, dialogue, respect, fairness, sharing, care. Attitudes that everyone appreciates, but that is difficult to apply when one has to follow too many rules. Rules that were actually created in first place with the intention of promoting justice, respect etc.
One last example to illustrate how rules can cause injustice: I just finished an online course, in which the duration is determined by the student, as one passes in the exams and tests applied via internet and during a work placement. Payments to college are made by the semester. I completed the course in SEVEN months and had to pay for two semesters since there is no exception that the university can make to the rules agreed in the original contract!
My dream is to wake up in a world where the sense of community is the order of the day and people have the will to question rules on behalf of the common good! :-)
Lindo texto certeza precisa começar com o bom senso de cada um, coisa que hoje em dia está um pouco em falta....Bjs....Si
ReplyDeleteBrigada, Si. É. Por enquanto, é só um sonho, mas, tenho esperança de que, um dia, vamos "acordar" e ver que todos temos que trabalhar juntos ou a coisa, uma hora ou outra, vai colapsar!