Eu não entendo muito de carros. Na verdade, pra quem se diz entendido no assunto, vai dizer que eu não entendo é nada!! Nem marcas e modelos eu reconheço com facilidade... mas, tem uma marca que sempre me chamou a atenção: consigo identificar uma Mercedes a metros de distância!
Entre minhas segunda e terceira décadas de vida, costumava dizer que meu sonho de consumo era ter uma Mercedes prateada. Claro, nem me interessava qual modelo (porque não sabia mesmo!). Sempre achei a Mercedes prateada o supra-sumo da elegância motorizada! haha
Mas, como Buda sabiamente disse que tudo muda, eu mudei e meu sonho de consumo também mudou. Agora, quero uma KitchenAid customizada!
Nos últimos três anos, tenho cozinhado bastante, como jamais tive oportunidade cozinhar assim em toda minha vida. E eu adoro cozinhar! Na verdade, nem sabia o quanto estar entre panelas e farinhas e frutas me dá prazer!! Eu realmente me divirto na cozinha! :-)
Minha preferência é a confeitaria e a panificação. Toda semana, invento de fazer alguma sobremesa diferente, testar uma receita nova ou 'arranjo' uma ocasião especial pra fazer um prato especial! E, na maioria das vezes, é um bolo ou torta ou pão ou docinhos... e litros de massa, claras em neve, ganache, chantilly, creme etc.
Desde 2011, já fizemos dois up-grades de batedeira e a que tenho hoje é boa, mas, não é uma KitchenAid! Ela tem os três batedores que necessito, mas, não é uma KitchenAid! Desde que não passe de 5 minutos ou a massa não seja muito pesada, ela agüenta bem o tranco, mas, não é uma KitchenAid! Ela é branca e tem um design moderno, mas, não é uma KitchenAid!... entendeu?
Há um mês, mais ou menos, durante uma das minhas pesquisas por ideias e receitas na internet, cruzei com a foto de uma KitchenAid da Mulher Maravilha!!! Fiquei estarrecida! E comecei a procurar por outros modelos e como são comercializados.
Bem, descobri que há um grande mercado de itens de cozinha customizados: artigos triviais que são modificados pra ganharem mais personalidade e ficarem mais caros! Tem de tudo: tigela, bandeja, talheres, panelas, chaleiras, liquidificadores, guardanapos e... batedeiras!... tudo com um caráter, um estilo personalisado. Na maioria das vezes, são itens encontrados em lojas, populares ou sofisticadas. Mas, há também quem ganhe a vida reformando peças sob encomenda.
Encontrei ateliês, pelo mundo, que aceitam encomendas de itens de cozinha específicos para serem reformados da maneira que o cliente quiser. E um dos clientes - talvez umA cliente - encomendou a tal KitchenAid da Mulher Maravilha que eu, sem querer, achei a foto na internet.
Eu, na verdade, não me importo muito se tenho ou não, se vou ter ou não a tal batedeira, mas, um pouco de sonho tolo nunca fez mal a ninguém, não é mesmo? ;-)
PS: a KitchenAid customizada DOS MEUS SONHOS é uma amarela, com uma listra preta na lateral e uma cintilante espada de samurai no topo!! Quem assistiu Kill Bill sabe do que estou falando... ;-)
I don't know much about cars. In fact, who is said to be a cars expert will tell you that I don't know a thing abou it, at all!! Not even brands and models I'm able to recognize easily ... but there is a brand that has always caught my eyes: I can identify a Mercedes from meters away!
Between my second and third decades of life, I used to say that my dream was to have a silver Mercedes. Of course, not even bothered about which model because I wouldn't know it anyway! I always thought of a silver Mercedes as the top of the motorized elegance! haha
But as Buddha wisely said that everything changes, I changed and so did my dream of consumption. Now, I want a customized KitchenAid!
In the last three years I have been cooking a lot, like never before in my life. And I love to cook! In fact, I never knew how being among pans and flour and fruits gives me great pleasure!! I really have fun in the kitchen! :-)
My preference is confectionery and baking. Every week, I come up with some dessert, a new recipe to try or I 'make up' a special occasion just to make a special dish! And, most often, it will be a cake or a pie or bread or candies... and it will require litres of batter, frosting, ganache, whipped cream etc.
Since 2011, we've done two stand mixer up-grades and the one I have today is quite good, but is not a KitchenAid! It has all attachments I need, but is not a KitchenAid! If it's not for too long neither too heavy mixture, it tackles well the duty, but is not a KitchenAid! It is white and of a quite modern design, but it is not a KitchenAid! ... Got it?
A month ago, more or less, during one of my searches for ideas and recipes on the internet, I came across a photo of a Wonder Woman KitchenAid!!! It blew my mind! So, I started looking for other models and how they were marketed.
Well, I discovered that there is a large market for custom kitchen items: trivial items that are modified to get more personality and more expensive! You can find custom anything: bowls, trays, cutlery, pots, kettles, blenders, tea towels ... and stand mixers ... all with a character, of a personalised style! Most often, they are found in shops, popular or sophisticated shops. But there are people who make a living customizing these pieces.
Between my second and third decades of life, I used to say that my dream was to have a silver Mercedes. Of course, not even bothered about which model because I wouldn't know it anyway! I always thought of a silver Mercedes as the top of the motorized elegance! haha
But as Buddha wisely said that everything changes, I changed and so did my dream of consumption. Now, I want a customized KitchenAid!
In the last three years I have been cooking a lot, like never before in my life. And I love to cook! In fact, I never knew how being among pans and flour and fruits gives me great pleasure!! I really have fun in the kitchen! :-)
My preference is confectionery and baking. Every week, I come up with some dessert, a new recipe to try or I 'make up' a special occasion just to make a special dish! And, most often, it will be a cake or a pie or bread or candies... and it will require litres of batter, frosting, ganache, whipped cream etc.
Since 2011, we've done two stand mixer up-grades and the one I have today is quite good, but is not a KitchenAid! It has all attachments I need, but is not a KitchenAid! If it's not for too long neither too heavy mixture, it tackles well the duty, but is not a KitchenAid! It is white and of a quite modern design, but it is not a KitchenAid! ... Got it?
A month ago, more or less, during one of my searches for ideas and recipes on the internet, I came across a photo of a Wonder Woman KitchenAid!!! It blew my mind! So, I started looking for other models and how they were marketed.
Well, I discovered that there is a large market for custom kitchen items: trivial items that are modified to get more personality and more expensive! You can find custom anything: bowls, trays, cutlery, pots, kettles, blenders, tea towels ... and stand mixers ... all with a character, of a personalised style! Most often, they are found in shops, popular or sophisticated shops. But there are people who make a living customizing these pieces.
I found ateliers, worldwide, that accept orders of customized kitchen items with a totally personalized design, one-of-a-kind. And one of those customers has commissioned that Wonder Woman KitchenAid I accidentally found the photo on the internet.
I actually don't care much about whether I have or not such a mixer, but a little of silly dreaming never hurt anyone, did it? ;-)
PS: the custom KitchenAid OF MY DREAMS is yellow with a black stripe on the side and a gleaming samurai sword on top!! Anyone who watched Kill Bill knows what I mean ...;-)
I actually don't care much about whether I have or not such a mixer, but a little of silly dreaming never hurt anyone, did it? ;-)
PS: the custom KitchenAid OF MY DREAMS is yellow with a black stripe on the side and a gleaming samurai sword on top!! Anyone who watched Kill Bill knows what I mean ...;-)