Ah, esse maravilhoso doce inventado no Brasil, pelos colonizadores portugueses!
Conheço brasileiros 'loucos' por goiabada. Quando morava em Cingapura, fui a um baile de carnaval - isso mesmo, baile de carnaval em Cingapura! - e foram sorteadas cestas de produtos brasileiros como mix pra pão-de-queijo Yoki, latinhas de Skol e Guaraná Antarctica, Bis e... goiabada. E juro que vi um cara chorando porque não ganhou, até que uma das ganhadoras deu um pacote de goiabada pra ele, que parou de chorar na hora e não parava de agradecê-la! hehe
Eu sempre senti falta de goiabada, desde que saí do Brasil. Acredito que seja produzida somente no Brasil, pois nunca encontrei nada parecido em minhas viagens pelo mundo. Em Cingapura, como aqui no sudeste da Austrália, tampouco encontrei goiaba vermelha pra tentar fazer a minha própria!
Então, o que tenho feito nos últimos seis anos, a cada vez que vou ao Brasil, trago a mala 'metade cheia' de goiabada! E como bem devagarinho, um pedacinho por vez pra fazer durar até a próxima chance de ir ao Brasil (e trazer mais!).
Ontem, resolvi fazer uma sobremesa com o último bloco que tinha no armário, antes de expirar o prazo de validade. Fiz um cheesecake Romeu e Julieta! Me baseei numa receita que encontrei na internet e modifiquei um pouco pra usar ingredientes que eu tinha em casa.
Se alguém quiser tentar, aqui vai a minha receita:
- 250g de biscoito maizena ou maria
- 125g de manteiga
Quebrar os biscoitos com as mãos e bater no liquidificador até virar farinha. Derreter a manteiga e misturar com uma colher ou com as mãos. Se quiser usar o processador, fica mais fácil: é só colocar os biscoitos quebrados no processador e adicionar a manteiga líquida aos poucos.
Usando as mãos, forrar o fundo e os lados de uma assadeira desmontável com a mistura, fazer furos no fundo com um garfo e assar em forno pré-aquecido a 200C por 10 minutos. Reservar.
- 350g de cream cheese
- 1 lata de leite condensado
- 2 ovos
- 1 colher de sopa de manteiga
Bater as claras em neve, reservar. Derreter a colher de manteiga numa panela, adicionar o leite condensado, as gemas, o cream cheese e as claras em neve. Mexendo sem parar com uma colher de pau, cozinhar em fogo baixo até engrossar e aparecer o fundo da panela - uns dez minutos depois de levantar fervura.
Rechear a massa na assadeira e voltar ao forno por mais 15 minutos. Deixar esfriar.
- 350g de goiabada (lisa ou cascão)
- 1/4 xícara de água
Cortar a goiabada em pedacinhos e cozinhar com a água em uma panela, em fogo baixo, até derreter e virar uma geleia.
Com o bolo frio, retirar o anel da assadeira e cubrir o recheio com a geleia de goiabada.
Nem preciso dizer que fica uma delícia! :-D
PS: se alguém aí estiver viajando do Brasil pra Austrália, please, me traga uns pacotinhos de goiabada! Eu pago. Meu estoque acabou...
Ah , this wonderful sweet created in Brazil by the Portuguese colonizers!
I know Brazilians who are 'crazy' for goiabada . When I was living in Singapore, I went to a carnival party - that's right, a carnival ball in Singapore! - where they raffled hampers with Brazilian products like Yoki cheese bread mix, cans of Skol beer and Guarana Antarctica, Bis chocolate candy and... goiabada. And I swear I saw a guy crying because he didn't win, until one of the winners gave him a packet of goiabada, he stopped crying and couldn't stop thanking her! hehe
I always missed goiabada, since I left Brazil. I believe it is only produced in Brazil because I never found anything like it on my travels around the world. In Singapore, as here in southeastern Australia, I couldn't even find red guava to try to make my own!
So what I've been doing in the last six years is, every time I go to Brazil, I bring a suitcase ' half full ' with goiabada! And I eat it very slowly, one little piece at a time to make it last until the next chance to going to Brazil (and bring some more!).
Yesterday, I decided to make a dessert with the last block that I had in the pantry, before the expiry date. I made a Romeo and Juliet cheesecake! Based on a recipe I found on the internet, I modified it a bit to use ingredients I had at home.
If anyone wants to try it, here's my recipe:
- 250g milk arrowroot or marie biscuits
I know Brazilians who are 'crazy' for goiabada . When I was living in Singapore, I went to a carnival party - that's right, a carnival ball in Singapore! - where they raffled hampers with Brazilian products like Yoki cheese bread mix, cans of Skol beer and Guarana Antarctica, Bis chocolate candy and... goiabada. And I swear I saw a guy crying because he didn't win, until one of the winners gave him a packet of goiabada, he stopped crying and couldn't stop thanking her! hehe
I always missed goiabada, since I left Brazil. I believe it is only produced in Brazil because I never found anything like it on my travels around the world. In Singapore, as here in southeastern Australia, I couldn't even find red guava to try to make my own!
So what I've been doing in the last six years is, every time I go to Brazil, I bring a suitcase ' half full ' with goiabada! And I eat it very slowly, one little piece at a time to make it last until the next chance to going to Brazil (and bring some more!).
Yesterday, I decided to make a dessert with the last block that I had in the pantry, before the expiry date. I made a Romeo and Juliet cheesecake! Based on a recipe I found on the internet, I modified it a bit to use ingredients I had at home.
If anyone wants to try it, here's my recipe:
- 250g milk arrowroot or marie biscuits
- 125g butter
Break the biscuits with your hands and crush them in the blender until fine crumbs. Melt the butter and mix with a spoon or with your hands. If you want to use the food processor, it makes it easier: crush the broken biscuits in the processor and add the liquid butter little by little .With your hands, line the bottom and sides of a springform baking pan with the mixture, making holes on the bottom with a fork and bake in preheated oven at 200C for 10 minutes. Reserve.
- 350g cream cheese
Break the biscuits with your hands and crush them in the blender until fine crumbs. Melt the butter and mix with a spoon or with your hands. If you want to use the food processor, it makes it easier: crush the broken biscuits in the processor and add the liquid butter little by little .With your hands, line the bottom and sides of a springform baking pan with the mixture, making holes on the bottom with a fork and bake in preheated oven at 200C for 10 minutes. Reserve.
- 350g cream cheese
- 1 can sweetened condensed milk- 2 eggs- 1 tablespoon of butter
Beat the egg whites, reserve. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the condensed milk, egg yolks, cream cheese and egg whites. Stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, cook over low heat until thickened and you can see the bottom of the pan - about ten minutes after it starts to simmer.Stuff the crust on the baking pan and return to the oven for another 15 minutes. Allow it to cool .
- 350g of goiabada
- 1/4 cup water
Cut the goiabada into small pieces and cook with water in a saucepan over low heat, until melted, like jam.Once the cheesecake is cold, remove the ring from the pan and cover the filling with the guava jam.
Needless to say that it is delicious! :-D
PS: if anyone out there is traveling from Brazil to Australia, please bring me some packets of goiabada! I'll pay for it. My stock is just over...
Beat the egg whites, reserve. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the condensed milk, egg yolks, cream cheese and egg whites. Stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, cook over low heat until thickened and you can see the bottom of the pan - about ten minutes after it starts to simmer.Stuff the crust on the baking pan and return to the oven for another 15 minutes. Allow it to cool .
- 350g of goiabada
- 1/4 cup water
Cut the goiabada into small pieces and cook with water in a saucepan over low heat, until melted, like jam.Once the cheesecake is cold, remove the ring from the pan and cover the filling with the guava jam.
Needless to say that it is delicious! :-D
PS: if anyone out there is traveling from Brazil to Australia, please bring me some packets of goiabada! I'll pay for it. My stock is just over...