Se você, que me conhece e sabe que eu sou absolutamente contra mentira, ficou surpreso com o título desse post, já vou explicar...
No sábado, meu marido estava fazendo uma faxina na churrasqueira e, quando terminou, anunciou que teríamos churrasco pro almoço! Maravilha! Nada melhor que isso pra fazer num sábado ensolarado e com uma churrasqueira tinindo de limpa! Certo?
O único problema é que a cerveja tinha acabado e eu sugeri um drink diferente em vez de sair pra comprar mais cerveja: caipirinha!
Daí, me dei conta de mais um problema: não tinha cachaça e nem limão tahiti!
Pois bem, fiz um coquetel com:
- 3 rodelas de limão siciliano (com casca) - em vez de limão tahiti
- 1 colher de sopa de açúcar
- 1 dose de gin - em vez de cachaça
- 1 dose de água
- gelo picado
Eu esmaguei as rodelas de limão siciliano com o açúcar no fundo do copo, adicionei o gin, a água e gelo picado. Estava pronta a MENTIRINHA! Uma caipirinha de mentira!!!
Deliciosa! :-)
On Saturday, my husband was cleaning up the barbecue and, when he finished, announced that we'd have bbq for lunch! Yay! Nothing better than bbq on a sunny Saturday with a spotless clean barbecue! Right?
The only problem was that we were out of beer and I suggested a different drink rather than going out to buy more beer: caipirinha!
Then I realized we had another problem: there was no cachaça neither limes!
Well, here's the cocktail made:
- 3 slices of lemon (peel on) - instead of lime
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 shot gin - instead of cachaça
The only problem was that we were out of beer and I suggested a different drink rather than going out to buy more beer: caipirinha!
Then I realized we had another problem: there was no cachaça neither limes!
Well, here's the cocktail made:
- 3 slices of lemon (peel on) - instead of lime
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 1 shot gin - instead of cachaça
- 1shot water
- crushed ice
I smashed the slices of lemon with sugar in the bottom of the glass, added the gin, water and crushed ice. And it was born MENTIRINHA! A "fake" caipirinha!
Delicious! :-)
- crushed ice
I smashed the slices of lemon with sugar in the bottom of the glass, added the gin, water and crushed ice. And it was born MENTIRINHA! A "fake" caipirinha!
Delicious! :-)
PS: Mentirinha (meenteereenia) in Portuguese means 'little lie'. ;-)